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Нужна помощь

  • rider-sx

    Сообщения: 2706 Репутация: N Группа: Адекваты

    Spritz Ноя. 22, 2010, 1:54 д.п., спустя 56 минут 31 секунду

    А почему IVX -> XVI а не XIV

    XIV - такого числа нет. Есть только XIII
    Это какбе 14 будет, не?)
  • krasun

    Сообщения: 1370 Репутация: N Группа: Джедаи

    Spritz Ноя. 22, 2010, 1:59 д.п., спустя 5 минут 3 секунды


    О, ебать. Я посмотрел на XIV, как на 13, думаю, такого числа, я не прав был. XIV - это 14, пиздец, надо ложится спать
  • Josh

    Сообщения: 2008 Репутация: N Группа: Кто попало

    Spritz Ноя. 22, 2010, 5:12 п.п., спустя 15 часов 12 минут 37 секунд

    PHP Roman Numeral Library

    Copyright © 2008, reusablecode.blogspot.com; some rights reserved.

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view
    a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or
    send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California
    94305, USA.

    // Convert Arabic numerals into Roman numerals.
    function roman($arabic)
    $fractions = Array("", "�", "��", "���", "����", "�����", "S", "S�", "S��", "S���", "S����", "S�����", "I");
    $ones = Array("", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX");
    $tens = Array("", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC");
    $hundreds = Array("", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM");
    $thousands = Array("", "M", "MM", "MMM", "MMMM");

    if ($arabic > 4999)
    // For large numbers (five thousand and above), a bar is placed above a base numeral to indicate multiplication by 1000.
    // Since it is not possible to illustrate this in plain ASCII, this function will refuse to convert numbers above 4999.
    die("Cannot represent numbers larger than 4999 in plain ASCII.");
    elseif ($arabic == 0)
    // About 725, Bede or one of his colleagues used the letter N, the initial of nullae,
    // in a table of epacts, all written in Roman numerals, to indicate zero.
    return "N";
    // Handle fractions that will round up to 1.
    if (round(fmod($arabic, 1) * 12) == 12)
    $arabic = round($arabic);

    // With special cases out of the way, we can proceed.
    // NOTE: modulous operator (%) only supports integers, so fmod() had to be used instead to support floating point.
    $roman = $thousands[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 1000)) / 1000];
    $arabic = fmod($arabic, 1000);
    $roman .= $hundreds[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 100)) / 100];
    $arabic = fmod($arabic, 100);
    $roman .= $tens[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 10)) / 10];
    $arabic = fmod($arabic, 10);
    $roman .= $ones[($arabic - fmod($arabic, 1)) / 1];
    $arabic = fmod($arabic, 1);

    // Handling for fractions.
    if ($arabic > 0)
    $roman .= $fractions[round($arabic * 12)];

    return $roman;

    // Expand subtractive notation in Roman numerals.
    function roman_expand($roman)
    $roman = str_replace("CM", "DCCCC", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("CD", "CCCC", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("XC", "LXXXX", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("XL", "XXXX", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("IX", "VIIII", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("IV", "IIII", $roman);
    return $roman;

    // Compress Roman numerals using subtractive notation.
    function roman_compress($roman)
    $roman = str_replace("DCCCC", "CM", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("CCCC", "CD", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("LXXXX", "XC", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("XXXX", "XL", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("VIIII", "IX", $roman);
    $roman = str_replace("IIII", "IV", $roman);
    return $roman;

    // Convert Roman numerals into Arabic numerals.
    function arabic($roman)
    $result = 0;

    // Remove subtractive notation.
    $roman = roman_expand($roman);

    // Calculate for each numeral.
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'M') * 1000;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'D') * 500;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'C') * 100;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'L') * 50;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'X') * 10;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'V') * 5;
    $result += substr_count($roman, 'I');
    return $result;

    // Validate a roman numeral.
    function isRoman($roman)
    return preg_match("/[MDCLXVI]/u", $roman);

    Юзать так:
    echo roman(arabic("IVX"));//='XIV'

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