error_reporting (E_ALL);
Это? Выдаёт пустую страницу…
Странно то, что если написать так
print "fff";
, то "fff" показывает… а наоборот - выдаёт пустую страницу…
Вот код класса rsa.php:
/* ц
* Rivest/Shamir/Adelman (RSA) compatible functions
* to generate keys and encode/decode
*With a great thanks to:
*Ilya Rudev <[email protected]>
*Glenn Haecker <[email protected]>
*Segey Semenov <[email protected]>
*Suivan <[email protected]>
* provide small prime numbers list.
*You can browse all small prime numbers(small than 10,000,000,000) there.
*There's totally 455042511 prime numbers.
class RSA{
* Function for generating keys. Return array where
* $array[0] -> modulo N
* $array[1] -> public key E
* $array[2] -> private key D
* Public key pair is N and E
* Private key pair is N and D
public function generate_keys ($p, $q, $show_debug=0){
$n = bcmul($p, $q);
//m (we need it to calculate D and E)
$m = bcmul(bcsub($p, 1), bcsub($q, 1));
// Public key E
$e = $this->findE($m);
// Private key D
$d = $this->extend($e,$m);
$keys = array ($n, $e, $d);
if ($show_debug) {
echo "P = $p<br>Q = $q<br><b>N = $n</b> - modulo<br>M = $m<br><b>E = $e</b> - public key<br><b>D = $d</b> - private key<p>";
return $keys;
* Standard method of calculating D
* D = E-1 (mod N)
* It's presumed D will be found in less then 16 iterations
private function extend ($Ee,$Em) {
$u1 = '1';
$u2 = '0';
$u3 = $Em;
$v1 = '0';
$v2 = '1';
$v3 = $Ee;
while (bccomp($v3, 0) != 0) {
$qq = bcdiv($u3, $v3, 0);
$t1 = bcsub($u1, bcmul($qq, $v1));
$t2 = bcsub($u2, bcmul($qq, $v2));
$t3 = bcsub($u3, bcmul($qq, $v3));
$u1 = $v1;
$u2 = $v2;
$u3 = $v3;
$v1 = $t1;
$v2 = $t2;
$v3 = $t3;
$z = '1';
$uu = $u1;
$vv = $u2;
if (bccomp($vv, 0) == -1) {
$inverse = bcadd($vv, $Em);
} else {
$inverse = $vv;
return $inverse;
* This function return Greatest Common Divisor for $e and $m numbers
private function GCD($e,$m) {
$y = $e;
$x = $m;
while (bccomp($y, 0) != 0) {
// modulus function
$w = bcsub($x, bcmul($y, bcdiv($x, $y, 0)));;
$x = $y;
$y = $w;
return $x;
* Calculating E under conditions:
* GCD(N,E) = 1 and 1<E<N
private function findE($m){
$e = '3';
if(bccomp($this->GCD($e, $m), '1') != 0){
$e = '5';
$step = '2';
while(bccomp($this->GCD($e, $m), '1') != 0){
$e = bcadd($e, $step);
if($step == '2'){
$step = '4';
$step = '2';
return $e;
* ENCRYPT function returns
* X = M^E (mod N)
public function encrypt ($m, $e, $n, $s=3) {
$coded = '';
$max = strlen($m);
$packets = ceil($max/$s);
for($i=0; $i<$packets; $i++){
$packet = substr($m, $i*$s, $s);
$code = '0';
for($j=0; $j<$s; $j++){
$code = bcadd($code, bcmul(ord($packet[$j]), bcpow('256',$j)));
$code = bcpowmod($code, $e, $n);
$coded .= $code.' ';
return trim($coded);
ENCRYPT function returns
M = X^D (mod N)
public function decrypt ($c, $d, $n) {
$coded = split(' ', $c);
$message = '';
$max = count($coded);
for($i=0; $i<$max; $i++){
$code = bcpowmod($coded[$i], $d, $n);
while(bccomp($code, '0') != 0){
$ascii = bcmod($code, '256');
$code = bcdiv($code, '256', 0);
$message .= chr($ascii);
return $message;
// Digital Signature
public function sign($message, $d, $n){
$messageDigest = md5($message);
$signature = $this->encrypt($messageDigest, $d, $n, 3);
return $signature;
public function prove($message, $signature, $e, $n){
$messageDigest = $this->decrypt($signature, $e, $n);
if($messageDigest == md5($message)){
return true;
return false;
public function signFile($file, $d, $n){
$messageDigest = md5_file($file);
$signature = $this->encrypt($messageDigest, $d, $n, 3);
return $signature;
public function proveFile($file, $signature, $e, $n){
$messageDigest = $this->decrypt($signature, $e, $n);
if($messageDigest == md5_file($file)){
return true;
return false;