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Проблемы с копированием файла
Добрый день. Поставили задачу отладить скрипт обмена сообщениями, при передачи файла более 5 метров вылетает ошибка "Во время загрузки страницы соединение с сервером было сброшено.".
Первым делом проверил ограничения, post_max_size, upload_max_filesize по сто метров лимиты по времени выполнения также в норме, памяти выделено 128, админ сказал что в логах никаких явных причин падения нет.
Далее поэтапно проверил весь процесс загрузки. Файл загружается, приходит в нужную папку, далее происходит дублирование файла при помощи fopen/fread/fputs, видимо для второго пользователя(получателя) создается его копия файла. И вот в этот момент скрипт падает, а в нужной мне папке появляется исходный файл, и два других, второй по размеру меньше первого, суммарно по размеру примерно равны исходному.
Подскажите что я еще упустил, как тут дебажить? куда копать, можеть еще какие параметры у скрипта подкрутить? -
29 декабря 2012 г. 8:46, спустя 29 дней 3 часа 32 минуты
Pomagite!!!reshite mne moe sadanie svyasannoe s website apache and databank
Examination system
The students will realize a small PHP project for the course of Web Programming. This project will be realized in groups of two students. If a class contains an odd number of students, one student can find a colleague in another class or make the project alone.
Suppose we are working for the Bern University of Applied Sciences (a.k.a. BFH). We want to provide a system for organizing exams on-line without giving the questions on-line. The questions will be written on a paper that the professor will give to the student during the exam. The student will give the paper back at the end of the exam. The idea behind it is that the professor does not need to write new questions every year.
What you have to do
You have to write a PHP-program for the professors to enter their questions, and for students to enter their responses. Your system will also generate a PDF containing the marks for the students.
* The system must allow a user to log-in.
There are two types of login: Professors and Students.
Actions for professors:
* A professor can create a questionnaire. A questionnaire is defined by a number of questions (only multiple choice). And for each question the right answer. A questionnaire does not contain any text (neither for questions nor for answers). So a question would be something like:
Questionnaire: 1234
4 questions
Question 1, Answer 3
Question 2, Answer 1
Question 3, Answer 3
Question 4, Answer 2
* A professor can see the list of classes and see the list of students for each class (
* A professor can select a class and affect a questionnaire to a class
* A professor can start an exam and define its duration. The start must be manual, (students are always late at the begining of exams, so the exam never start at the right time).
* A professor can see for each student the list of answers
* The professor can generate a PDF containing for each student the number of points he or she got. You will moreover print for each student one page containing each of the answers and the corresponding points.
* For computing the points of a Multiple choice questionnaire, there are numerous methods. We will do: no answer=0, bad answer=-1, good answer=+3, so the students answering randomly will receive a bad mark.
Once a student is loged-in, the following action can be done:
* The student can only fill out the questionnaire and submit it.
* Once the answer are submitted, the student can not see the questionnaire anymore. The student does not receive any feedback (no mark). Just something like "Your answers have been successfully submitted".
Database structure
The database contains two tables and two relations:
* user contains the kuerzel the first and last names for the students and professors. It contains also the password and a bit indicating if a user is professor or student.
* moduleA module has a number (corresponding the the module being taught).
* studentModule links the tables for students
* profModule links the tables for professors.
You can create new tables or add new fields to the existing table.
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